We again found ourselves in the ER at Children's Memorial after Sadie was coughing and struggling to breathe. Our ER visit began the same way as our visit last month. She was assessed by a triage nurse who raced her back to the trauma room when she saw her O2 levels at 80%. It was as if we had roles in a poorly-scriped sequel where the plot line is the same, but all the characters are different.
The doctors tried their hardest not to intubate her, but just couldn't get her blood pressure or oxygen levels high enough. So, again she was intubated and put on a ventilator. A scary procedure for us to witness, as they had trouble getting the tube in her throat through a swollen airway. We saw her oxygen levels dip into the 10s, twice.
We are now at day 6 of her hospital stay in the ICU. Sadie seemed to be recovering and in good spirits until yesterday when out of nowhere her seizure activity spiked. She was given three sedatives to get the seizure to stop...then another dose after another cluster started an hour later. One step forward, two steps back.
Our strong little girl continues her feisty behavior - pulling out her nasal oxygen tube, squirming out of her arm immobilizer. She also decided that the x-ray table was the perfect place for a poonami. We hope this bodes well for her release soon.